Beyond borders in promoting human rights and fighting disinformation (fake news) in the peace process and humanitarian response
- 28 June 2024
- Posted by: i4dd
- Category: Press-Release
The Public Association "The Institute for Democracy and Development" (AO I4DD) organized a workshop for journalists and communicators with the generic "Beyond borders in the promotion of human rights and the fight against disinformation (fake news) in the peace process and humanitarian response", la 25 iunie 2024.
The event was attended by journalists and communicators from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, and media institutions.
During the workshop, the participants had the opportunity to acquire new skills related to the identification of fake news in times of war and peace, preventing and combating manipulation in the public space and disinformation.
Trainers in the field of communication and journalism, Iuliana Bordeianu and Crina Balea interacted with the interlocutors of the workshop, offering them case studies, communication techniques and public reaction, methods of writing public messages and press releases.
The special guest of the workshop was Viktoria Voronina, Executive Director of the Center for Security Studies in Ukraine, Ex-Vice Minister of the Ministry for Temporarily Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons of Ukraine.
Acest eveniment este desfășurat în cadrul proiectului „Enhance Women`s Cohesion in Peace Processes and Sustainable Response in Humanitarian Aid” (Sporirea coeziunii femeilor în procesele de pace și răspunsul durabil în ajutorul umanitar), în cadrul parteneriatului dintre UN Women și AO I4DD, prin intermediul Fondului Femeilor pentru Pace și Asistență Umanitară (WPHF/ Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund).